We like to play hard too…

We like to play hard too…

As part of what now has become an annual tradition, ECA staff hosted an ‘events’ week to bring staff together for working lunches, plus social and team-building events. We kicked-off with an evening 6-a-side football match that resulted in many eager participants and...

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ECA welcomes Rosie to the team

ECA welcomes Rosie to the team

This month we welcome our new consultant – Rosie Read. Rosie has 12 years’ experience in the energy and utility sector, with work spanning market design fundamentals, regulatory advisory, developing strategic market models, hydro-optimisation, trading, investment...

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Malaysia’s first gas regulatory period

Malaysia’s first gas regulatory period

After successfully assisting Malaysia’s Energy Commission, Suruhanjaya Tenaga, to develop the guidelines required for the determination of gas facilities tariff under an Incentive-Based Regulation (IBR) Framework, ECA has been contracted to assist in facilitating the...

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Making a difference

Making a difference

Safe sanitation services and facilities are basic human rights and many still do not have access to them. ECA not only supports development agencies, plus countries, in developing sanitation policies and regulation (read more here), we have also recently subscribed to...

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Building renovation strategy for Kosovo

Building renovation strategy for Kosovo

In accordance with the Energy Efficiency Law, transposing the Energy Efficiency Directive for Contracting Parties to the Energy Community, Kosovo is due to develop a Building Renovation Strategy. The EBRD, under the REEP Plus policy dialogue window, has appointed ECA...

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Energy Efficiency Obligation scheme for Kosovo

Energy Efficiency Obligation scheme for Kosovo

As part of its obligations under the transposed Energy Efficiency Directive for Contracting Parties to the Energy Community, Kosovo is considering the establishment of an Energy Efficiency Obligation scheme in line with its recently adopted Energy Efficiency Law. ECA...

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Design of a new energy regulator for Southern Africa

Design of a new energy regulator for Southern Africa

ECA has been contracted by the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) to develop a framework and implementable roadmap for the establishment of a Regional Energy Regulatory Authority for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region.

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ECA Viewpoint – Making the ESO concept work

ECA Viewpoint – Making the ESO concept work

National Grid has legally separated out electricity system operation. In the press, this is hailed as the opportunity to make generation zero carbon – surely the separation was unnecessary for that. What is needed is the harder task of efficiency in the trade-off of...

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Southern Africa distributed generation review

Southern Africa distributed generation review

ECA has been commissioned by the IFC to review existing policies and regulatory frameworks related to distributed generation (DG) and tariff regimes in six Southern Africa countries (Botswana, Namibia, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe) to identify challenges for...

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