Cabo Verde Electricity Sector Regulation

Cabo Verde Electricity Sector Regulation

ECA has been appointed by LuxDev, the aid and development agency of the Government of Luxembourg, to provide regulations for Quality of Service and Commercial Relations in the electricity sector of Cabo Verde.

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ECA teaming up with AMDA on data analysis

ECA teaming up with AMDA on data analysis

ECA is excited to team up with the African Mini-grid Developers Association and conduct a detailed analysis on African mini-grid operators. The work will include analysing and major trends in the industry and identifying the key lessons for mini-grid developers and...

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ECA Viewpoint – Disruption and blackouts: be prepared

ECA Viewpoint – Disruption and blackouts: be prepared

Unexpected and disruptive market events are regularly being linked with fundamental market shifts such as high levels of intermittent generation. These links are often not justified on the evidence available but can still lead to significant policy shifts. Emerging...

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Introducing our new analyst

Introducing our new analyst

A warm welcome this month to our new consultant, David Storey. David previously worked at the Asian Development Bank Institute where he conducted research into economic policy for developing countries in Asia. He holds a MSc in Economics from the University of Warwick...

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Strengthening I-SEM market modelling in Ireland

Strengthening I-SEM market modelling in Ireland

ECA has been appointed to validate the forward-looking SEM PLEXOS model (2019-2025) and perform a backcast against I-SEM market outcomes. We will have the opportunity to deliver an independent evaluation of the model, calibrate the model to reflect changes to market...

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Regional water supply and PPP framework for Indonesia

Regional water supply and PPP framework for Indonesia

Following the successful completion of ECA’s previous work in Indonesia, resulting in the implementation of National Urban Water Supply (NUWAS) framework, we were asked to assist the World Bank Team Jakarta to design a regional water supply and PPP framework. The...

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ECA Viewpoint – Network Planning in an uncertain world

ECA Viewpoint – Network Planning in an uncertain world

The landscape for electricity networks is changing rapidly to a more decentralised, decarbonised and digitised future. The role of the customer is becoming more active, demanding and important. This viewpoint explores network planning in such an uncertain and dynamic...

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Support to the IEACCC

Support to the IEACCC

ECA has been supporting the IEACCC to update a 2017 review on the the financing environment for new coal projects. The 2019 study assesses differences between Asian and Western financiers, the role of multilaterals, the involvement of public financial institutions,...

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Energy efficiency policy analysis for Ireland

Energy efficiency policy analysis for Ireland

Ireland is in the process of transposing EU Directive 2018/2002, the revised “Energy Efficiency Directive” which sets energy efficiency targets and policies out to 2030. Article 7 and the associated Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS) are a centrepiece of the...

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