Ethiopia least cost generation planning

Ethiopia least cost generation planning

ECA is supporting the Ethiopian generation utility update their least cost development plan including forecasting demand for electricity, assessing tariff requirements and cashflow in the new investment plan and training in forecast modelling.

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End-use energy efficiency policy for North Macedonia

End-use energy efficiency policy for North Macedonia

Following adoption of the new primary Law on Energy Efficiency, North Macedonia is developing its end-use energy efficiency policy in compliance with Article 7 of Energy Efficiency Directive for Contracting Parties to the Energy Community.  ECA has been contracted by...

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ECA provides training on green mini-grids in the Gambia

ECA provides training on green mini-grids in the Gambia

ECA was commissioned by the Gambian Ministry of Energy and Petroleum to deliver a two week-long training course covering policies, regulations and socio- economic issues associated with the development of green mini-grids. The training is part of a larger African...

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Mongolia clean energy plan

Mongolia clean energy plan

ECA is assisting the Ministry of Energy in Mongolia, under Asian Development Bank funding, to develop a strategy to deliver clean heating to peri-urban (ger) areas in the capital, Ulaanbaatar. Mongolia’s harsh winter climate, with temperatures regularly below -20C,...

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ECA and partners supporting North Macedonia in its EE Law

ECA and partners supporting North Macedonia in its EE Law

We are delighted to see that the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia has adopted an ambitious Law on Energy Efficiency, that we together with Karanovic and Partners helped to develop, under the REEP Plus Programme - see the Energy Community newslink here

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Publication of SEM market model in Ireland

Publication of SEM market model in Ireland

Following ECA's appointment by the Regulating Authorities, we are pleased to announce the publication of the backtested and validated forward-looking SEM PLEXOS model (2019-2025) and its accompanying report. This is the first backast since I-SEM launch in October...

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ECA Viewpoint – Avoiding energy network tariff spikes

ECA Viewpoint – Avoiding energy network tariff spikes

Jan, 2020 - For regulated entities, lumpy investments in electricity and gas infrastructure lead to a sudden expansion in the asset. This increase is not always matched with a commensurate rise in transported electricity or gas volumes. Demand may take time to grow in...

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